What Does Chaffetz’s Win Mean?

As with many of us in the grassroots initiative that helped to secure Jason Chaffetz the Republican nomination yesterday. We are on a high and very excited to see our candidate win. Like Jason, I thank Congressman Cannon for his years of service. Although Cannon didn’t represent me in everything, he did a good job in many ways.

Over this past weekend, I have been thinking about what Chaffetz win means. A lot of these thoughts were sparked by the Bob Lonsberry endorsement that I read on Saturday.

This column by Lonsberry really got me thinking that Chaffetz win could really mean a return to conservative
principles by the Republican Party. This is what I want. This is what we need. Our constitution has hung by a thread long enough. It is time that we start fighting for it in a real way.

Chaffetz’s win could be the start of this movement.

The Republican Party won in the Reagan Years because of our adherence to the core conservative values. Since then there has been a move to the center. I have assumed it was because they felt the centrist position will win. But it hasn’t done us well.

Chaffetz’s win send the message that we the party realize that. We want a more conservative front. We need to get back to the Constitution and fight for our freedoms.

Now is the time to take the Party (especially here in Utah) back to its conservative roots. The movement has started, let’s keep the ball rolling.