Bob Lonsberry to Endorse Jason Chaffetz

After yesterday’s post, I don’t know if I should be eating crow or claiming bragging rights on this. But Bob Lonsberry on Monday will be making an official endorsement of Jason Chaffetz on Monday through his web site and I am sure even on the Radio.

This has renewed my faith in Bob. I am not sure what brought about the change. But his article might give some clues:

Jason Chaffetz is a Ronald Reagan conservative. Chris Cannon is a George W. Bush conservative.

And that distinction is the difference which has divided and diffused the Republican Party and the conservative movement. A brief season of power corrupted the Republican Party and has now cost it both its influence and its soul.

Chris Cannon is part of the regime that failed.

And while he could easily serve out the rest of his life in Congress, and do useful work on a variety of issues, he would do so as just one more of the Washington compromisers. His infatuation with the process of governing has drowned out his commitment to cause.

It’s not that he lacks the courage of his convictions, it’s that he has grown unsure of his convictions. That suits him very well to fit in in Washington, where he is indistinguishable from the big-name Republicans who have endorsed him, but it leaves him oddly out of sync with patriotic and passionate work-a-day Americans in his district.

Chris Cannon is a Doug Wright Republican. Jason Chaffetz is an Ezra Taft Benson Republican.

Chris Cannon is a good man.

But Jason Chaffetz is the better choice.

As the Republican Party prepares for a season in the wilderness, Jason Chaffetz is a voice to cry in the wilderness. He is the man to stand in the well of the House, even if he’s only speaking to a C-SPAN camera, and preach the truth.

As much as I want to produce more of this. I really don’t have permission to print this much. I just use it to show that Bob has finally seen things the way that I do. While Chris Cannon is a good man. While he has served us well for the past 12 years. It is time that we get right of the Bush Republicans and return to the Reagan Republicans of yesterday.

This is awesome news for me. I hope that this is enough to get those fence sitters to realize like Bob and I do that this is about returning the party and this country back to what made us so great.

So, what made Bob change his mind. I honestly don’t know. I am inclined to believe that after interviewing both Jason Chaffetz and Chris Cannon yesterday (MP3), that Bob realized that principle mattered more than anything else.

My wife insists that it was because Bob read my post yesterday and I swayed him. I am inclined to denounce this assertion, but my stat counter makes it seem plausible.

Num City Region Country Name

20 Salt Lake City Utah United States United States

8 Mapleton Utah United States United States

7 Orem Utah United States United States

6 Orangeville Utah United States United States

5 Rochester New York United States United States

Bob Lonsberry lives in Rochester, New York. So, these could very will be his visits to my site. Or more likely, it is a visit from one of his fans in New York. But it does cause me to wonder a bit.

What ever the reason, this is good news to me. I can listen to Bob now without feeling that he has compromised himself. Something, up until this week, I didn’t think that Bob would ever do.

Further, I am glad that the man I support for Congress has the support of one of the men I like to listen to on a regular basis (or as Bob likes to call us “friends”). I look forward to Tuesday’s vote. Because I believe that Chaffetz can win this.

4 Responses to “Bob Lonsberry to Endorse Jason Chaffetz”

  1. Jynx Says:

    I can only pray that many people will see the Lonsberry endorsement. Today’s S. L. Tribune carried an article endorsing (sort of) Chris Cannon, but it contains very weak statements as to why. Lonsberry’s endorsement is spot on and very well written.

    I’m sharing it with my friends.

  2. el Vaquero Says:

    Looks like the Utah Republicans have done we Conservatives a favor by electing Chaffetz, Thank You.
    What a wake up call for all the go along spineless Roooseveltian Republicans. There are a lot more R incumbents and all the D incumbents that need to be flushed out of DC….this may be an interesting election.
    NOBAMA, never, ever trust anyone that calls themselves Progressive! It’s just another of the Big Lies!

  3. matt Says:

    one on bobs rochester listeners here………..very good man wish more were like him in the liberal hub we call ny

  4. Holly Says:

    Very cool – and it obviously worked. Thanks for all your efforts – they sure paid off!

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